Build Up Skills Spain
"Construye 2020"

Contrato Nº


29 acciones
11 recomendaciones

Un trabajo conjunto de: La Fundación Laboral junto al Instituto Nacional de Cualificaciones, la Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo y el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. 


Construye 2020

Buenas prácticas en rehabilitación energética


Informe de resultados
Build Up Construye 2020

Informe que desglosa la trayectoria del proyecto y los resultados obtenidos (en inglés).


Construye Eficiente

Una plataforma que pone en contacto a usuarios y empresas de la construcción.


Fases del proyecto


  • T1.1.Follow-up and Quality
  • T1.2.Internal communication

The main purpose of this phase was to carry out the initial planning as well as the global coordination of the project. Therefore, the objectives of this phase were: to accurately define the roles, tasks and responsibilities of the partners, to establish internal communication tools, to specify the coordination and management mechanisms, to reach a consensus on the project planning and quality document.

The main resulting products were: an internal communication plan, a project communication plan and a quality and follow-up plan.

  • T2.1 Design of new training schemes and actions
  • T2.2 Selection and development of didactical resources

The main aim of this phase was to conduct the design of training schemes and training actions related to those occupations and professional skills which the status quo (SQ) analysis proved the Spanish VET system nowadays lacks. This permanent training actions allow to cover these needs short-term as well as serving as a trusted base to develop professional certificates later on.

  • T3.1. Experts validation
  • T3.2. Pedagogical validation

In order to evaluate the quality of the work carried out in WP2, it is essential to put into practice the training actions that have been developed, by carrying out some assessments, in which the actions will be validated from a technical and pedagogical point of view. Hence, this WP had two main actions: experts’ validation (focus group by action) and some pilot trials.

  • T4.1.Revision of existing qualifications
  • T4.2.Development of competencies on geothermal systems
  • T4.3.Adaption of professional certificates to on-line modality

This phase had a very strong connection with the previous one because it was its necessary complement. Thus, the aim of this phase was to review and upgrade those existing qualifications that as it was stated in the SQ analysis, need updating. Besides, the SQ has shown that the NQTS lacks competences related to the installation of geothermal systems, so that this WP aims at developing these new competences as well. Finally, the new ICTs that are available for training is becoming a powerful way to deliver training courses that has several advantages such as cost savings or timetable flexibility. Hence, it was necessary to adapt these traditional contents into on-line ones.

  • T5.1.Observatory and networks to anticipate changes in the market
  • T5.2.Improvement of National Qualification System quality
  • T5.3.Integrated on-line platform to provide information and guidance

The main objective of this work package was to improve the Spanish VET system by launching some actions the experts identified in the roadmap as key drivers to have a system that can quickly anticipate changes in the labour market as well as reacting swiftly to adapt the qualifications and their associated training to these unexpected movements. The experts think that the Spanish VET system lack some observation mechanisms so this hinders the system response to market needs. Thus, in order to achieve this enhancement this WP proposed to create observatories, networks and information platforms that should lead Spanish system to hone its performance as well as its quality.

  • T6.1.Stakeholders communication
  • T6.2.BUS qualification platform
  • T6.3.Endorsement seminars
  • T6.4.BUS good practices award

The aim of this phase was to get the involvement of the market actors and stakeholders relevant to the topics covered in the BUSSII project. To achieve this, some activities were planned to seek the participation of the relevant stakeholders, from industry, public authorities, training institutions, etc, in order to get private and public endorsement to the actions carried out in the project scope, necessary to attain a high and long-term sustainable impact.

  • T7.1.Project communication plan
  • T7.2.Project website
  • T7.3.Continuous dissemination of the project
  • T7.4.BUILD UP Skills Construye 2020: information campaign
  • T7.5.”BUILD UP Skills Construye2020” mobile
  • T7.6.Final dissemination day

The main objective of this work package was to ensure the dissemination and communication of the BUSSII proposal in order to reach all the key actors and target groups related to the actions proposed in the project as well as raise awareness on the necessity of undertaking energy restoration of buildings. The main target groups of the project were workers and companies from the construction industry as well as training providers related to building activities, not forgetting other target groups such as dwellings’ owners, non-residential buildings owners, industrial facilities, leisure areas, etc.

  • T8.1.EU Exchange activities
  • T8.2.Monitoring and evaluation
  • T8.3.IEE Common Dissemination Activities

This WP aimed at creating added value at the European level through targeted exchange activities, which was organised by the EACI, and to monitor and evaluate the impact of the action.


WP2.Desarrollo de acciones de capacitación y recursos didácticos
WP3.Expericia piloto
WP4.Mejora de las cualificaciones y de formación existencias
WP5.Mecanismos para mejorar el sistema de formación profesional
WP6.Aprobación de los interesados
WP8.Actividades de intercambio de la UE y el seguimientospan